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«Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva» di Silvia Bartelloni
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«Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva»
(di Silvia Bartelloni)

Titolo della tesi: L'approccio della neuropsicologia cognitiva ai deficit afasici di tipo semantico-lessicale: un glossario bilingue
Anno accademico: 2000/2001
Relatore: Peter Gordon Mead
Correlatori: Franco Bertaccini

Italiano A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S T *
English A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T V W *

«» - Trovate 214 schede:

Access difficulty
Acquired dyslexia
Addition error
Alexia with agraphia
Alexia without agraphia
Amnesic aphasia
Amnestic aphasia
10  Anomia En.
11  Anomic aphasia
12  Aphasia
13  Aphasia-related disorders
14  Aphasic deficits
15  Aphasic syndromes
16  Aphasiology
17  Apraxia
18  Apraxia of speech
19  Articulatory deficit
20  Auditory input
21  Auditory input lexicon
22  Automatic language
23  Automatic writing
24  Brain hemorrhage
25  Brain injury
26  Brain tumor
27  Broca’s aphasia
28  Buccofacial apraxia
29  Cerebral hemorrhage
30  Cerebral infarction
31  Cerebral ischemia
32  Cerebral lateralization
33  Cerebral neoplasm
34  Cerebral stroke
35  Cerebral thrombosis
36  Cerebrovascular disease
37  Cliché
38  Clinical psychology
39  Cognitive disorder
40  Cognitive neuropsychology
41  Conduction aphasia
42  Conduite d’approche En.
43  Contralateral
44  Conversion rules
45  Conversion rules rehabilitating tasks
46  CT
47  Cue En.
48  Deep dyslexia
49  Deficit of access
50  Deficit of the orthographic output lexicon
51  Deficit of the phonological output lexicon
52  Deficit of the semantic system
53  Deficit of the visual input lexicon
54  Deletion
55  Diagnosis
56  Dysarthria
57  Dysphasia
58  Dysprosody
59  EEG En.
60  Embolism
61  EP
62  Epilepsy
63  Error word
64  Etiology
65  Evocation
66  Facilitation
67  Fluency
68  Fluent aphasia
69  Forgetting
70  Frequency effect
71  Global aphasia
72  Grapheme-phoneme conversion route
73  Graphemic buffer
74  Graphophonemic conversion
75  Head trauma
76  Hemianopia
77  Hemiparesis
78  Hemiplegia
79  Ideational apraxia
80  Ideomotor apraxia
81  Inflammation
82  Input En.
83  Input lexicons
84  Input lexicons rehabilitating tasks
85  Insertion
86  Isolated agraphia
87  Item En.
88  Jargonaphasia
89  Language
90  Language test
91  Lexical decision task
92  Lexical deficit
93  Lexical deficits rehabilitation
94  Lexical disorder
95  Lexical impairment
96  Lexical processing system
97  Literal paraphasia
98  Loss of information
99  Loss of knowledge
100  Magnetic resonance imaging
101  Metathesis
102  Mixed transcortical aphasia
103  Morphological error
104  Motor deficit
105  Naming task
106  Neologism
107  Neologistic jargon
108  Neuroimaging
109  Neurophysiopathology
110  Neuropsychological test battery
111  Non-word
112  Nonfluent aphasia
113  Omission
114  Oral comprehension
115  Oral language
116  Oral picture naming
117  Oral reading
118  Oral reading of letter names
119  Oral reading of non-words
120  Oral reading of nonsense syllables
121  Oral reading of sentences
122  Oral reading of single words
123  Orthographic error
124  Orthographic input
125  Orthographic output lexicon
126  Output lexicons
127  Paragrammatism
128  Paraphasia
129  Phoneme cue
130  Phoneme substitution error
131  Phoneme-grapheme conversion
132  Phonemic cue
133  Phonemic cuing
134  Phonemic error
135  Phonemic jargon
136  Phonemic paraphasia
137  Phonemic substitution error
138  Phonological buffer
139  Phonological cue
140  Phonological dyslexia
141  Phonological error
142  Phonological facilitation
143  Phonological input lexicon rehabilitating tasks
144  Phonological output lexicon
145  Phonological output lexicon rehabilitating tasks
146  Phonological paraphasia
147  Phonology-to-orthography conversion
148  Pointing
149  Pointing to a picture of an associated word
150  Pointing to a semantically-related picture of a spoken target word
151  Pointing to a semantically-related picture of a written target word
152  Positron emission tomography
153  Prosody
154  Prosody-related disorders
155  Pure agraphia
156  Pure alexia
157  Pure form
158  Pure word deafness
159  Reaction time
160  Reading aloud
161  Reading comprehension
162  Rehabilitating tasks on semantic fields
163  Rehabilitating tasks on single concepts
164  Repetition task
165  Semantic cue
166  Semantic disorder
167  Semantic error
168  Semantic facilitation
169  Semantic jargon
170  Semantic knowledge
171  Semantic memory
172  Semantic paraphasia
173  Semantic system
174  Semantic system rehabilitating tasks
175  Sensory deficit
176  Serial automatic speech
177  Speech
178  Speech amnesia
179  Speech apraxia
180  Speech clinician
181  Spelling disorder
182  Spoken commands
183  Spontaneous speech
184  Spontaneous writing
185  Subcortical aphasia
186  Substitution error
187  Substitutive error
188  Surface dyslexia
189  Symptomatology
190  Tactile input
191  Target word
192  Tasks to assess comprehension disorders
193  Tasks to assess oral expression disorders
194  Tasks to assess written expression disorders
195  Telegraphic speech
196  Therapist
197  Token Test
198  Transcortical aphasia
199  Transcortical motor aphasia
200  Transcortical sensory aphasia
201  Transposition error
202  Verbal output
203  Verbal paraphasia
204  Verbal stereotypy
205  Visual input
206  Visual input lexicon
207  Visual input lexicon rehabilitating tasks
208  Wernicke’s aphasia
209  Writing from copy
210  Writing to dictation
211  Written commands
212  Written output
213  Written picture naming
214  Wrong word

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