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«Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva» di Silvia Bartelloni
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«Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva»
(di Silvia Bartelloni)

Titolo della tesi: L'approccio della neuropsicologia cognitiva ai deficit afasici di tipo semantico-lessicale: un glossario bilingue
Anno accademico: 2000/2001
Relatore: Peter Gordon Mead
Correlatori: Franco Bertaccini

Italiano A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S T *
English A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T V W *

«P» - Trovate 32 schede:

Phoneme cue
Phoneme substitution error
Phoneme-grapheme conversion
Phonemic cue
Phonemic cuing
Phonemic error
Phonemic jargon
10  Phonemic paraphasia
11  Phonemic substitution error
12  Phonological buffer
13  Phonological cue
14  Phonological dyslexia
15  Phonological error
16  Phonological facilitation
17  Phonological input lexicon rehabilitating tasks
18  Phonological output lexicon
19  Phonological output lexicon rehabilitating tasks
20  Phonological paraphasia
21  Phonology-to-orthography conversion
22  Pointing
23  Pointing to a picture of an associated word
24  Pointing to a semantically-related picture of a spoken target word
25  Pointing to a semantically-related picture of a written target word
26  Positron emission tomography
27  Prosody
28  Prosody-related disorders
29  Pure agraphia
30  Pure alexia
31  Pure form
32  Pure word deafness

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