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Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva

transcortical motor aphasia clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun phrase
Definition Nonfluent aphasia characterized by preserved repetition and relatively preserved language comprehension.
Nonfluent aphasia characterized by preserved repetition and relatively preserved language comprehension. Patients with transcortical motor aphasia often have echolalia in the setting of an otherwise nonfluent speech. Lesions are typically vascular and involve the area superior or anterior to Broca’s area or the supplementary motor area.
Definition source Loring D.W. 1999
Loring D.W. 1999
Context The principal difference between transcortical motor aphasia and Broca’s aphasia is in verbal repetition, which is possible in the former and impaired in the latter. Patients with transcortical motor aphasia often have echolalia in the setting of an otherwise nonfluent speech. Lesions are almost invariably located outside Broca’s area, either anteriorly or superiorly, either deep in the left frontal substance or in the cortex.
Context source Sarno 1991
Figure source Ospedale Campo di Marte 2001
Antonym Transcortical sensory aphasia
Subject field Aphasia
Sub-field (level 1) Aphasiology
Sub-field (level 2) Clinical neuropsychology
Sub-field (level 3) Aphasic syndromes
Generic concept Nonfluent aphasia, Transcortical aphasia
Related concept Broca’s aphasia, Global aphasia
Causal relation Mixed transcortical aphasia
it Afasia transcorticale motoria
Reliability code 3

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