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Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva

written commands clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun phrase
Definition A task in which the patient is asked to execute an order on a orthographic input by means of some objects or parts of his body.
A task aiming at assessing the reading comprehension of the aphasic patient in which the patient is asked to execute an order on a orthographic input by means of some objects or parts of his body: e.g. “raise your hand”, “point to a pen”.
Definition source Vista-Mead 2001
Vista-Mead 2001
Context The various forms of apraxia, according to Brown, reflect or point to stages in the ontogeny of a motor act, and he has paralleled this with the view that the distinct forms of aphasia characterize stages in the development of a linguistic production. According to Brown (1977), facial apraxia is a "disorder of VOLITIONAL facial action appearing in performances initiated in the test situation with no alteration of spontaneous facial motility. The more automatically elicited performances are better preserved, whereas actions elicited by written or spoken commands are impaired" (p. 72, emphasis added). Much has been said about apraxia from supramarginal gyrus lesions (Brown, 1972; Denny-Brown, 1958; Geschwind, 1965; Mateer & Kimura, 1977). Predictably, those who admit of center-lesion explanations have considered supramarginal gyrus apraxia of speech.
Context source Paradis 1993
Subject field Aphasia
Sub-field (level 1) Aphasiology
Sub-field (level 2) Cognitive neuropsychology
Clinical neuropsychology
Sub-field (level 3) Diagnosis-Neuropsychological test battery
Generic concept Reading comprehension
Related concept Pointing to a picture of an associated word, Pointing to a semantically-related picture of a written target word
it Comandi scritti
Reliability code 3

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