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«Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo» di Deborah Olmi
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«Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo»
(di Deborah Olmi)

Titolo della tesi: Proposta di Glossario Terminologico Bilingue Italiano - Inglese: le Talassemie ed il Trapianto di Midollo Osseo ad esse associato
Anno accademico: 2001/2002
Relatore: Peter Gordon Mead
Correlatori: Franco Bertaccini
Committente: Azienda Ospedaliera "Ospedale S. Salvatore", Pesaro (PS)

Italiano A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T V *
English A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P R S T U V *

«» - Trovate 169 schede:

Adeno-associated virus
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Anemia (En.)
Antilymphocyte globulin
Aplastic anemia
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
Autologous bone marrow transplantation
10  Bacterial pneumonia
11  Beta-thalassemia intermedia
12  Beta-thalassemia major
13  Beta-thalassemia minor
14  Beta-thalassemias
15  Bone demineralization
16  Bone marrow
17  Bone marrow aplasia
18  Bone marrow hyperactivity
19  Bone marrow microenvironment
20  Bone marrow space
21  Busulfan
22  Cancellous bone hyperplasia
23  Cardiac tamponade
24  CD34+ cell
25  Chelation
26  Codon
27  Committed erythroid progenitor cell
28  Committed precursor cell
29  Conditioning regimen
30  Coombs´ test
31  Crossing-over (En.)
32  Cyclophosphamide
33  Cyclosporine
34  Cytokine
35  Cytomegalovirus
36  Deferiprone (En.)
37  Deletion
38  Delta-beta-thalassemia
39  Depletion
40  Desferrioxamine
41  Diabetes mellitus
42  Double heterozygosity
43  Dyspepsia
44  Engraftment
45  Eradication
46  Erythrocyte
47  Erythroid hyperplasia
48  Erythron
49  Erythropoiesis
50  Extracellular matrix
51  Extramedullary hematopoiesis
52  Facies (En.)
53  Fetal liver
54  Follow-up (En.)
55  Gene expression
56  Gene therapy
57  Gene transfection
58  Globin
59  Globin chain
60  Globin gene
61  Globin synthesis imbalance
62  Graft-Versus-Host Disease (En.)
63  Granulocyte
64  Haemopoiesis
65  Hb Bart´s (En.)
66  Hb Gower 1 (En.)
67  Hb Gower 2 (En.)
68  Hb Lepore (En.)
69  Hb Portland (En.)
70  HbA (En.)
71  HbA2 (En.)
72  HbF (En.)
73  Hematopoietic stem cell
74  Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
75  Heme
76  Hemochromatosis
77  Hemoglobin
78  Hemolysis
79  Hemosiderosis
80  Hepatopathy
81  Hepatosplenomegaly
82  Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin
83  Herpes simplex (En.)
84  HES-DFO (En.)
85  HLA (En.)
86  HLA typing
87  HLA-compatible donor
88  HLA-identical donor
89  Hydrops fetalis
90  Hyperbilirubinemia
91  Hyperkeratosis
92  Hypersplenism
93  Hypervolemia
94  Hypogonadism
95  Hypoparathyroidism
96  Hypothyroidism
97  Identical sibling
98  Immunosuppression
99  In utero stem cell transplantation
100  Ineffective erythropoiesis
101  Infusion
102  Infusion pump
103  Iron overload
104  Iron-chelating agent
105  Iron-chelation therapy
106  Jaundice
107  Karnofsky performance scale
108  Lentivirus (En.)
109  Liver biopsy
110  Liver fibrosis
111  Liver siderosis
112  Locus (En.)
113  Lymphocyte
114  Lymphocytopoiesis
115  Marrow cavity
116  Megakaryocytopoiesis
117  Metotrexate (En.)
118  Microcythemia
119  Mixed chimerism
120  Mixed lymphocyte culture
121  Monoclonal antibody
122  Monocyte
123  Myeloablation
124  Myelopoiesis
125  Myocardiopathy
126  Myocardiosclerosis
127  Oral sicca
128  Osteopenia (En.)
129  Osteoporosis
130  Platelet
131  Pneumocystis carinii
132  Point mutation
133  Polyadenilation
134  Post-transfusion hepatitis
135  Post-transfusional purpura
136  Precipitation
137  Prenatal diagnosis
138  Proliferation
139  Promoter (En.)
140  Pubertal development
141  Recombinant human erythropoietin
142  Rejection
143  Relapse
144  Related donor
145  Restriction fragment lenght polymorphism
146  Restrictive-obstructive lung syndrome
147  Reticulocyte
148  Retrovirus (En.)
149  Schistocytosis
150  Sepsis
151  Serum ferritin
152  Site
153  Skull with hair-on-end appearance
154  Splenectomy
155  Splenic sequestration
156  Splicing (En.)
157  Stroke (En.)
158  Switch (En.)
159  Syngeneic bone marrow transplantation
160  Thalassemias
161  Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
162  Total body irradiation
163  Transcription
164  Transferrin saturation
165  Transfusional therapy
166  Umbilical cord blood
167  Unrelated donor
168  Veno-occlusive liver disease
169  Viral vector

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