Incorrect word selection or incorrect production of sounds within a word. Incorrect word selection (semantic or verbal paraphasia) or incorrect production of sounds within a word (phonemic paraphasia). Paraphasia is a common feature of the speech production associated with aphasia.
So major questions for aphasiology concern which symptoms are primary, which are secondary, and what is the relationship between symptoms and to what extent symptoms are shared by different aphasic individuals. The notion of ´syndrome´ is not a complex one; a syndrome is simply the more-or-less regular co-occurrence of symptoms. The relationship of symptoms, one to another, is what is of interest and what is controversial in aphasia. Is it the case, for instance, that paraphasia (Chs 6 and 7 below) and comprehension deficit (Ch. 4 below) invariably co-occur because there is a causal link? The individual has paraphasic speech because there is a failure in feedback at an internal abstract level or at an external self-monitoring stage. In this book we hope to present a comprehensive introduction to the nature of aphasia by examining the characteristics by which we know it.