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previous unrelated donor - collezione «Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo» - Deborah Olmi next
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Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo

unrelated donor clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun syntagm
Grammatical label Countable
Variant Non-related donor
Definition Transplantation from an unrelated donor carries a substantially increased risk, and should be considered only in exceptional circumstances. • The chance of success is highest when patients are well-chelated, with normal liver size and histology, and free of cardiac complications. Hepatic fibrosis and the presence of iron overload are important risk factors.
Definition source Cao, A., et al. (1997). Management Protocol for the treatment of Thalassemia patients. Nicosia: Thalassemia International Federation. (LISCEN01)
Context Among recipients of grafts from related donors other than HLA-matched siblings, more than half had donors mismatched at 2 or more loci; most of these transplants were T-cell depleted. In contrast, only one unrelated donor recipient pair was mismatched at 2 loci, and most unrelated donors were A, B, and DR (by serologic typing techniques for class I and molecular typing of DRB1) matched with their recipients. Most transplantations from unrelated donors were done in the 1990s.
Context source Alexandra H., et al. (2001). ‘Impact of donor type on outcome of bone marrow transplantation for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: collaborative study of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and the National Marrow Donor Program’. Blood 97(6): 1598-1603. (RISCEN69)
Antonym Related donor
Subject field Haemopoiesis
Sub-field (level 1) Thalassemias
Sub-field (level 2) Therapies
Generic concept HLA-compatible donor
Related concept Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, HLA typing, HLA, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Graft-Versus-Host Disease
it Donatore non consanguineo
Reliability code 3

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