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Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo

hyperkeratosis clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 2
Part of speech Noun
Grammatical label Countable
Definition Hyperkeratosis is a thickening of the outer layer of the skin, which contains a tough, protective protein called keratin. This thickening is often part of the skin´s normal protection against rubbing, pressure and other forms of local irritation, taking the form of calluses and “corns” on our hands and feet, or whitish areas of frictional keratosis inside the mouth. Other forms of protective hyperkeratosis can occur as part of the skin´s defense against chronic inflammation, infection, the radiation of sunlight, or irritating chemicals. Less often, hyperkeratosis develops spontaneously on skin that has not been irritated. These types of hyperkeratosis may be part of an inherited condition, may begin soon after birth, and can affect skin on large areas of the body. There are many examples of hyperkeratosis, includine, corns and calluses, chronic eczema, lichen planus, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, and inherited conditions.
Definition source Intelihealth. Health A to Z.
Context Many forms of hyperkeratosis are painless. However, corns, calluses and plantar warts can cause a great deal of local discomfort.
Context source Intelihealth. Health A to Z.
Subject field Haemopoiesis
Sub-field (level 1) Thalassemias
Sub-field (level 2) Therapies
Related concept Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
it Ipercheratosi
Reliability code 3

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