A task in which the patient is asked to copy single words and sentences. A task in which the patient is asked to copy words and sentences. This task provides the therapist with useful information for rehabilitation.
Concurrent validity with the WAB was demonstrated by Kertesz (1979). Concurrent validity for changes in language functions during therapy was reported by Kenin and Swisher (1972) for the overall FCP score. Predictive validity was established in a study by Lawriw (1976), who also presented a successful cross-validation between patient groups from Iowa City, New York City, and Victoria, British Columbia. Kenin and Swisher (1972) and Ludlow (1977) investigated patterns of recovery from aphasia; improvement was best reflected in writing from copy and tests of comprehension, whereas expressive performance showed least improvement. Single-word reception or production was more readily recovered than that of longer verbal units.