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Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo

conditioning regimen clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun syntagm
Grammatical label Countable
Variant Conditioning
Definition The conditioning regimen preceding bone marrow transplantation consists of cyclophosphamide as an immunosuppressive agent and total body irradiationas an antihematopoietic stem cell agent.
Definition source Lenarsky, C, et al. (1990). ‘Bone marrow transplantation for genetic diseases’. Hematology Oncology Clinics of North America 4(3):589-602. (RISCEN176)
Context A uniform conditioning regimen was employed, using busulfan 14 or 16 mg/kg in 12 divided doses, and cyclophosphamide 120 or 200 mg/kg.
Context source Pawlowska, AB., et al. (1997). ‘Relationship of plasma pharmacokinetics of high-dose busulfan to the outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in children with thalassemia’. Bone Marrow Transplantation 20(11):915-920. (RISCEN129)
Subject field Haemopoiesis
Sub-field (level 1) Thalassemias
Sub-field (level 2) Therapies
Specific concept Pre-transplant conditioning regimen, post-transplant conditioning regimen
Related concept Graft-Versus-Host Disease, rejection, engraftment, relapse, immunosuppression
it Regime di condizionamento
Reliability code 3

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