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previous b-cell precursor all - collezione «Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta» - Federica Bordoni next
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Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta

b-cell precursor all clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Definition B-cell precursor ALL represents over 80% of childhood ALL cases. The B-lymphocytes lineage ALL cells derive when an uncommitted stem cell flounders somewhere in the pathway to becoming a mature B type plasma cell. Depending on where in the pathway the uncontrolled growth begins, the ALL is termed B-cell precursor, early pre-B-cell, pre-B, mature B-cell, etc. The three major types of B-lineage cells found in childhood ALL are: early pre-B, no surface or cytoplasmic immunoglobulin; pre-B, presence of cytoplasmic immunoglobulin; B-cell, presence of surface immunoglobulin.
Definition source
Context The need to evaluate a large group of patients receiving uniform treatment and to compare the outcome of TEL/AML1 with a cohort of B-cell precursor ALL known to have a good outcome, prompted us to investigate TEL/AML1 expression in ALL patients enrolled and treated with a traditional BFM schedule in two contemporary closed studies, ALL-BFM 90 and ALL-AIEOP 91.
Context source en22
Synonym B-precursor ALL.
Subject field Pediatric Oncohematology
Specific concept AUL, pre-pre B-ALL, pre-B cell ALL, common-ALL, early T ALL.
de B-Vorläuferzell-ALL
it LAL non T non B
Reliability code 3

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