Medicina: Neuropsicologia cognitiva
English |
broca’s aphasia |
Attestation |
Part of speech |
Noun phrase
Definition |
Nonfluent aphasia characterized by effortful, often agrammatic speech production with poor repetition and relatively preserved comprehension of single words and short phrases. Naming is generally impaired (although either prompting with a context or with phonemic cueing may facilitate performance). Language lacks grammatical complexity, and similarity, reading comprehension is poor for sentences that require processing of grammatical words. Nonfluent aphasia characterized by few words, short sentences, and many intervening pauses. The words that do appear are produced with labor and often with distorted sounds. The melodic contour is flat. Syntactic structure is more disturbed than in Wernicke’s aphasia. The general appearance of speech is telegraphic, due both to the selective deletion of many functor words and to disturbances of canonical word order. On the other hand, aural comprehension is relatively intact in colloquial conversation, although formal testing often discloses a defective performance. Repetition of words and sentences is impaired. The lesion typically results from infarction of the anterior division of the middle cerebral artery involving the upper and lower frontal operculum, insula, and adjacent regions surrounding the Sylvian fissure.
Definition source |
Loring D.W. 1999 Sarno 1991
Context |
The existence of Broca’s aphasia is currently well established, yet some of the major controversies in the history of aphasia have revolved around its nature and pathological correlation. The first patient described by Broca in 1861 did not have what came to be known as Broca’s aphasia, and it is clear that the degree of involvement of Broca’s area and of the surrounding frontal operculum produce considerably different degrees of aphasia (Mohr et al., 1978). What currently is called Broca’s aphasia can be defined as the opposition of Wernicke’s aphasia.
Context source |
Sarno 1991
Figure source |
Ospedale Campo di Marte 2001
Subject field |
Sub-field (level 1) |
Sub-field (level 2) |
Clinical neuropsychology
Sub-field (level 3) |
Aphasic syndromes
Generic concept |
Nonfluent aphasia
Related concept |
Global aphasia, Transcortical motor aphasia
it |
Afasia di Broca
Reliability code |