English |
serum ferritin |
Attestation |
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Noun syntagm
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Definition |
A test that measures the amount of ferritin, a major iron storage protein. This test reflects the amount of iron stored in the body. Higher than normal values can be seen in haemochromatosis. Normal values for males: 12 to 300 ng/ml, females: 10 to 150 ng/ml.
Definition source |
Cancerweb. OMD – On-line Medical Dictionary.
Context |
The time of second follow-up was variable, and was related to the required duration of the programme, evaluated using concentrations of serum ferritin and hepatic iron concentration as previously described.
Context source |
Mariotti, E., et al. (1998). ‘Evaluation of cardiac status in iron-loaded thalassaemia patients following bone marrow transplantation: improvement in cardiac function during reduction in body iron burden’. British Journal of Haematology 103(4):916-21. (RISCEN98)
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Sub-field (level 2) |
it |
Ferritina sierica
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