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Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo

reticulocyte clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun
Grammatical label Countable
Definition Immature red blood cells normally restricted to the bone marrow and present in the blood stream in very low numbers (0.2-2%). An increase in numbers indicates increased proliferation in the bone marrow, for example following chemotherapy.
Definition source Cancerweb. OMD – On-line Medical Dictionary.
Context In vitro globin chain synthesis studies were effected using the technique of Weatherall et al.: in vitro incubation of reticulocytes in a mixture of amino acids containing tritium-labelled leucine; separation of the globin chains in a Perkin Elmer HPLC apparatus and measurement of the radioactivity of the eluates corresponding to the various peaks by means of a TRI Carb Packard spectrometer; calculation of the a/b ratio.
Context source Bianco Silvestroni, I., et al. (1997). ‘Silent thalassemias: genotypes and phenotypes’. Haematologica 82(3):269-80. (RISCEN54)
Figure source
Subject field Haemopoiesis
Generic concept Committed erythroid progenitor cell, committed precursor cell
Specific concept Erythrocyte
Related concept Haemopoiesis, hemoglobin
it Reticolocito
Reliability code 3

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