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Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta

alopecia (en) clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Definition The loss of hair. A side effect of some forms of intensive chemotherapy. Radiotherapy that involves the scalp also results in hair loss. In most cases, hair grows as soon as treatment is stopped or decreased in intensity.
Definition source
Context Chemotherapy affects tissues that require a high rate of cell birth (cell division) to keep them functioning: the lining of the mouth, the lining of the intestines, the skin, and the hair follicles are such tissues, this explains why mouth ulcers, diarrhea, and alopecia are common after chemotherapy.
Context source en34
Subject field Pediatric Oncohematology
Generic concept side effects
Related concept chemioterapia, radioterapia
de Alopezie
it alopecia
Reliability code 3

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