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previous bone marrow biopsy - collezione «Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta» - Federica Bordoni next
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Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta

bone marrow biopsy clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Variant BM biopsy
Definition The removal of a small piece of bone and bone marrow (usually from the hip) through a large needle. The sample is examined under a microscope to see whether cancer cells are present.
Definition source
Context Bone marrow biopsy was performed during pancytopenia (WBC < 0. 1 x 109/1, Hb and PLT maintained by transfusions) and on G-CSF treatment on davs 19th and 21th post cytostatic treatment showing very hypoplastic bone marrow with 10% blast cells< /A > .< /A >
Context source en20
Figure source
Subject field Pediatric Oncohematology
de Knochenmarkbiopsie
it biopsia ossea
Reliability code 3

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