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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

trademark infringement clicca per ingrandire
Definition The unauthorized use or colorable imitation of the mark already apprpriated by another, on goods of similar class [...] It exists if words or designs used by defendant are identical with or so similar to plaintifff´s that they are likely to cause confusion, or deceive or mislead others.
Definition source Entry ´Infringement of trademark´ in Zanichelli (1996)
Context The usual test for trademark infringement is the likelihood of consumer confusion: will a consumer be misled into believing that goods or services bearing the infringing mark originate with the trademark owner when in fact they do not? [...] In the context of hypertext, display of a businesses mark in order to signal a link to its home page might also incorrectly signal a business relationship with the entity whose page displays the mark.
Context source (Jw)burk
Quasi-synonym trademark dilution, trademark piracy
Subject field Law
Comprehensive concept illegal content < computer crime (En)
Related concept trademark, unfair competition
it contraffazione
Reliability code 3

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