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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

bulletin board clicca per ingrandire
Acronym BBS
Full form bullettin board service/system
Phraseology bulletin board operator/provider, computer/electronic bulletin board
Definition A computer system equipped with one or more modems or other means of network access that serves as an information and message-passing center for remote users. Often BBSs are focused on special interests, such as science fiction, movies, Windows software, or Macintosh systems, and can have free or fee-based access, or a combination. Users dial into a BBS with their modems and post messages to other BBS users in special areas devoted to a particular topic, in a manner reminiscent of the posting of notes on a cork bulletin board. Many BBSs also allow users to chat online with other users, send e-mail, download and upload files that include freeware and shareware software, and access the Internet. Many software and hardware companies run proprietary BBSs for customers that include sales information, technical support, and software upgrades and patches.
Definition source Dizionario di informatica Microsoft Press (CD).
Context The Sixth Circuit affirmed the conviction and sentences against Mr. and Mrs. Thomas for their operation of an electronic bulletin board in violation of the Federal obscenity laws.
Context source (Jw)west
Subject field Internet
Comprehensive concept Internet communication < Internet services
it BBS
Reliability code 2

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