Chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent discrete clinical attacks in which there is uncontrolled, excessive, and hypersynchronous discharge of cortical neurons (seizures).
At the same time, it became clear that the mediation of language function in right-handed persons is not an exclusive property of the left hemisphere and that the right hemisphere also possesses some linguistic capabilities, however limited they may be. Gazzaniga and Sperry (1967; Gazzaniga, 1970) showed that some patients who had undergone section of the corpus callosum for relief of intractable epilepsy could understand the meaning of simple words presented in the left visual field although they were unable to read the words aloud. Since the visuoverbal information was processed by the disconnected right hemisphere, it was reasonable to infer that the successful recognition of the meaning of the words was mediated by neural mechanisms in that hemisphere.