An impairment in the prosodic or melodic component of speech. An impairment in the prosodic or melodic component of speech. Dyprosody may be seen with either left or right hemisphere lesions. Left hemisphere lesions produce impairment in appropriate syllable stress, and right hemisphere lesions affect the emotional content of speech, often producing emotional flattening or lability.
The similarity between dyspraxic distortions and dysprosody (Kent and Rosenbek 1982; Gillmer and van der Merwe 1983) and ataxic and other extrapyramidal dysarthrias can thereby be understood as non purely coincidental. Conclusions. This chapter has argued that there does exist a disorder of speech compatible with the definition given at the outset. At the same time it has tried to indicate directions to search for establishing and substantiating what lies behind some of the controversial ambiguous terms contained in the defìnition.