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Medicina: Nefrologia: Dialisi

hypokalemia clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun
Grammatical label Countable
Variant hypokalaemia
Definition Hypokalemia is defined as serum K+ level of <3.5mmol/L. Hypokalemia can occur with normal total body K+ as a result of shifts of K+ into intracellular pools or with total body K+ depletion through deficient intake or excessive renal or gastrointestinal excretion
The presence of an abnormally small concentration of potassium ions in the circulating blood; occurs in familial periodic paralysis and in potassium depletion due to excessive loss from gastrointestinal tract or kidneys
Definition source Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology
Stedman´s Medical Dictionary
Context We found that in patients with hypokalemia, the HDF potassium content may be adjusted to equilibrate with the PDF and blood
Context source American Journal of Kidney Diseases (ingl 15)
Synonym Hypopotassemia
Subject field Dialysis
Sub-field (level 2) Acid base & Hydro-electrolytic equilibrium
Coordinate concept Hyperkalemia
it Ipokaliemia
Reliability code 3

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