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Abbigliamento: il settore della moda

ruche (en) clicca per ingrandire
Part of speech noun
Term provenance loan term
Definition Trimming made by pleating a strip of lace, ribbon, net, fine muslin, or silk so that it ruffles on both sides. Made by stitching through the centre of pleating.
Definition source Manckey Calasibetta, C. (1998). Fairchild´s Dictionary of Fashion. New York: Fairchild Publications.
Context Thus tomorrow sparks remembrance through intriguing mixes of futuristic materials and once-upon-a-time allure. As in the voile ruche sewn on the quasi-mannish nylon bomber, as in the sweaters "hand-knit" in manmade fibers.
Context source Modaonline 1999
Subject field fashion
Comprehensive concept blouse, shirt, skirt.
fr ruche
it ruche
Reliability code 5

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