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Abbigliamento: il settore della moda

cloak clicca per ingrandire
Part of speech noun
Definition A wide, loose, sleeveless coat, usually opening in center front and fastening at the neck. It is cut in a full circle, in a segment of a circle, or on the straight, usually with slits for arms.
Definition source Sinclair, J. (1991). Collins Cobuild. English Language Dictionary. London: Collins., Manckey Calasibetta, C. (1998). Fairchild’s Dictionary of Fashion. New York: Fairchild Publications.
Context Synthetic fibre laser-cut, garnishing by globe-lace, for a super technological cloak, dress and trousers; so light as to "close in a hand" accessory.
Context source Modaonline 1999
Usage note Sometimes it is used as a synonym for cape.
Subject field fashion
Generic concept over-clothes
Partitive concept collar
fr cape
it mantella
Reliability code 5

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