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Medicina: Ematologia: Talassemie e trapianto del midollo osseo

anemia (en.) clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Part of speech Noun
Grammatical label Countable
Definition Decreased ability of the red blood cells to provide adequate oxygen supplies to body tissues. May be due to decreased number of red blood cells, decreased amount of substance in red blood cells which transports oxygen (hemoglobin), or decreased volume of red blood cells.There are several typologies of anemia: anemia of B12 deficiency, anemia of chronic disease, anemia of folate deficiency, drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic anemia, hemolytic anemia due to g6 pd deficiency, idiopathic aplastic anemia, idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia, immune hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia, secondary aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemias.
Definition source MEDLINEplus Health Information. ADAM Medical Encyclopedia.
Context Thalassemia was defined as a clinical entity in 1925 when Dr. Thomas B. Cooley and his associate Pearl Lee, pediatricians at the Detroit Children´s Hospital, presented a paper at the annual meeting of the American Pediatric Society describing five young children with severe anemia, splenomegaly, and peculiar bone abnormalities. At that time, children with severe anemia and splenomegaly were classified as having “Von Jaksch´s Anemia”.
Context source AA.VV. (1997). ‘Thalassemia Intermedia. A Region I Conference’. The Genetic Resource Special Issue, 1997, Volume 11, Number 2 (COSCEN01)
Subject field Haemopoiesis
Specific concept Anemia of B12 deficiency, anemia of chronic disease, anemia of folate deficiency, drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic anemia, hemolytic anemia due to g6 pd deficiency, idiopathic aplastic anemia, idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia, immune hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemias
Related concept Hemoglobin, thalassemias
it Anemia (It.)
Reliability code 3

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