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previous bone marrow aspiration - collezione «Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta» - Federica Bordoni next
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Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta

bone marrow aspiration clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Variant BM aspiration, marrow aspiration.
Definition Removal of a small sample of bone marrow (usually from the hip) through a needle for examination under a microscope. The procedure is uncomfortable, but can be tolerated by both children and adults. The marrow can be studied to determine the cause of anemia, the presence of leukemia or other malignancy, or the presence of some “storage diseases” in which abnormal metabolic products are stored in certain bone marrow cells.
Definition source
Context Bone marrow aspiration was examined on day 42 for evaluation of CR.
Context source en08
Figure source
Synonym bone marrow aspirate.
Subject field Pediatric Oncohematology
de Knochenmarkaspirat
it aspirato midollare
Reliability code 3

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