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Medicina: Oncoematologia pediatrica: Leucemia linfoblastica acuta

steroids clicca per ingrandire
Attestation 3
Definition A group of hormones including a series of synthetic products- prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone,and dexamethasone- used in the treatment of some lymphocytic leukemias, lymphomas, and myeloma to relieve swelling and inflammation. These hormones are used to suppress graft rejection and graft versus host disease following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Side effects after long-term use of high doses include an increased risk of infection, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
Definition source
Context The incidence of osteonecrosis is increased with theuse of steroids in this treatment approach.
Context source en32
Synonym glucocorticoids, corticosteroids
Subject field Pediatric Oncohematology
Generic concept antineoplastic drugs
Specific concept prednisone, dexamethasone
de Steroide
it steroidi
Reliability code 3

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