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ho dimenticato la password
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ceci n'est pas une pomme
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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

password (en) clicca per ingrandire
Definition A security measure used to restrict access to computer systems and sensitive files. A password is a unique string of characters that a user types in as an identification code. The system compares the code against a stored list of authorized passwords and users. If the code is legitimate, the system allows the user access at whatever security level has been approved for the owner of the password.
Definition source Dizionario di informatica Microsoft Press (CD)
Context Any person who discloses a number, code, password, or other means of access to a computer or computer network knowing that such disclosure is without authority and which results in damages (including the fair market value of any services used and victim expenditure) to the owner of the computer or computer network in excess of $500.00 shall be guilty of the crime of computer password disclosure.
Context source (L)compsys-US
Quasi-synonym access code, personal identification number (PIN)
Subject field Information Technology
Related concept authentication(1), user
it password (It)
Reliability code 3

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