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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

hacker clicca per ingrandire
Full form computer hacker
Definition 1. A computerphile; a person who is totally engrossed in computer technology and computer programming or who likes to examine the code of operating systems and other programs to see how they work. 2. A person who uses computer expertise for illicit ends, such as by gaining access to computer systems without permission and tampering with programs and data. Also called cracker.
Definition source Dizionario di informatica Microsoft Press (CD)
Context Law enforcement has an interest in being able to track a hacker´s trail through the Internet […] This could conceivably be accomplished through the IP. Vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures to hackers might also be addressed in this area.
Context source (Jv)vol3_art5
Quasi-synonym cracker
Subject field Internet Law
Related concept hacking (En)
it hacker (cf. hacking (It))

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