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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

child pornography clicca per ingrandire
Definition [...] It is an offence to take or allow the taking of indecent photographs of a child under the age of 16, to distribute or show them, or simply to possess them without legitimate reason.
Definition source Entry ´Child abuse´ in Oxford University Press (1990)
Context Child pornography, rather than other forms of pornographic content, has been the main concern and fear of legislators and parents since paedophiles started to use the Internet for circulating pornographic materials related to children 5. […] But while pornography may benefit from freedom of speech arguments and less severe laws, the line should be drawn with child pornography at least where physical harm to real children is involved as it almost inevitably will be with the production and use of child pornography.
Context source (Jw)akdeniz
Quasi-synonym p(a)edophilia
Subject field Law
Comprehensive concept illegal content < computer crime (En)
it pornografia infantile
Reliability code 3

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