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Diritto ed Informatica: Diritto Internet

harmful content clicca per ingrandire
Definition Various types of material [which] may offend the values and feelings of other persons: content expressing political opinions, religious beliefs or views on racial matters etc. […] [I]t is crucial to differentiate between content which is illegal and other harmful content. These different categories of content pose radically different issues of principle, and call for very different legal and technological responses.
Definition source (L)internet-EU
Context The purpose of the action is to make adults (parents and teachers) aware of the potential and the drawbacks of the Internet, and of the means to identify useful content and how to block harmful content.
Context source (L)actplan-EU
Subject field Internet Law
Comprehensive concept computer crime (En)
Partitive concept pornographic content
Related concept content; parental control > hot-line (En), filtering software
it contenuto nocivo (cf. contenuto critico)

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